Thanks Ian . I'm enjoying your writings very much. I grew up in Spondon, born in 1961, so it's right on the money. Two things here; I thought I saw Boy George working in PX once, a consideration that was retrospective and, that I saw Bow Wow Wow playing the Boat Club in West Bridgeford on 8/12/80[ the night after John Lennon was shot]. Annabella had perfected the 'mike-grab', grabbing it off its stand as a purposeful onstage gesture and did it throughout.

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wow... Spondon!!! That is the strangest coincidence. You would be a few years older than me. Yes, Boy George did work in PX, as did Jay Strongman. Some of the testimonies as to who did what (Steph Raynor, Krivine, Helen Robinson, Roger Burton) get a bit conflicted so i have to be careful what I write. I have a few bits of research notes on Bow Wow Wow starting out, and many gigs never happened, but that is a coup seeing them at the Boat Club. What a venue. I was obsessed with Matthew Ashman, and saw his Chiefs of Relief a few times.

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Thanks for confirming it [most probably] was Boy George. I was a scruffy provincial wannabe and he knew it, just staring me out. I remember that all they seemed to be selling were floaty white shirts/dresses, so nothing to pretend to look at with any conviction or understanding!

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